For The Best Alaskan Sea Duck Guide Call Us: (907) 538-1083


We are proud to introduce our new tender boat for our sea duck hunts in Cold Bay, Alaska.  We were able to put this beast to the test this past fall and it performed beyond our expectations.  Safety is always a top concern when you are boating in remote Alaska, particularly during the fall and winter when winds can build quickly and make seas turn for the worse in minutes.  This boat allows us to further expand the areas that we can safely hunt and fish and allows our guests unparalleled access to the greater Cold Bay area.  Our hunters can expect chances to hunt Pacific Eider, Harlequin, Black Brant, Black Scoters, White-winged Scoters, Oldsquaw(Long-tailed ducks), Goldeneye, Bufflehead, Merganser, Ptarmigan, and more.

This boat joins the rest of our unmatched vehicle, boat and gear coupled with our 20 years of continuous hunting experience in the Cold Bay and Izembek NWR area.  Join us for the ultimate Alaskan waterfowl hunting experience in an area known for its rugged beauty with snow capped mountains, steaming volcanos and access to the Bering Sea and North Pacific.


Big thanks to Scott Haugen for the photos!!